

Hi everyone!
I've seen that a lot of people from other countries have been visiting my blog a lot for the past two months.
I'm also trying to make my blog know worldwide cause I love books and I love sharing opinions with people from all over the world.
I started writing English reviews of the books I loved on my Goodreads account but I think that's not enough.
I love learning languages as much as I love reading, specially English, and that's why I've decided to do this.
What I'm proposing you is the posibility to read this blog, Pájaros de tinta y papel, in English.
This is an idea that I came up with after thinking about how many people visit my blog and aren't able to read what I post.
What I'll be doing if there's someone interested is writing and publishing my posts in Spanish, as always, and then writing them again in English (it wouldn't be a translation, I would write first in Spanish and then in English) and sending them via email to you.
I think it's a great idea cause you could be able to read my blog and I could improve my English :)
So yeah, if you aren't a Spanish reader, but you understand English and want to receive my posts on your email, you only have to fill THIS FORM.

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